Sunday, October 31, 2010

Have A Happy Halloween!

If your family is anything like mine, your children have already collected enough sugar to put a whole subdivision block into a sugar induced coma and they haven't even started to trick or treat yet. To reduce the amount of sugar brought into our house (and the sugar crash and burn tomorrow), we have changed a few things .

First, hand out something different. Why not hand out stickers, rings, or other non food items. Trust me, every parent will thank you. As a parent it takes out the stress of making sure all the candy is safe to eat.

Next, get a walk in. Leave the car at the house. Use those things called legs and walk house to house. And when you do get candy, pick a *few* (which is a couple not a whole bag) favorites and take the time to enjoy those. A few small  fun size candy bars can easily equal an hour of cardio or more to burn off. Ask yourself, is this candy worth the time it is going to take me to burn it off?

This year we informed the kids that the dentist was happy to see them on Monday morning. I honestly had one of my daughters put her candy up, brush her teeth, and dump her juice for water. Children are never too young to understand the purpose of food and consequences of over eating.  Too many people use the "it will make you fat" reason to kids. Children need to understand that weight is not the only problem with eating unhealthy foods. It is harmful to teeth, it causes you to be tired, you can't run as fast are all things children can understand. I'm convinced one of the reasons for childhood obesity is lack of knowledge. Not lack of information but what is shared with our kids. Most children can not even identify fruits and vegetables that are shown to them let alone tell you where food comes from besides the store. Or they lack the knowledge of what food should do, fuel your body. We have six children and we have tried to help them understand food should help you receive the vitamins, minerals, protein, energy, etc that you need. There is  not "bad" food or "good" food, just food that helps your body and those that harm. Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for.

Most important, enjoy your time with family. As my oldest turns 11 this year, I'm horrified to learn what they say is true, they grow up too fast. Be safe, be happy, and have fun. Happy Halloween.

Amy Edmonson
Champions Fitness Together

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's Not Too Late!

Do you have a local business that would like to participate in the makeover? We would love to have! Please contact us at We are still in need of a photographer and a nail salon.

First Workout

Well it was my first day and so I was a little nervous as I knew I was in for a tough workout.  IT WAS!  I like the short drive from the studio as it gives me time to reflect, in this case gives my body time to rest.  The difference for me between going to the gym and going to a trainer.  At the gym you do your cardio and do some weights here and there but just enough to burn just a bit and then you leave and ahhh....I did my workout for today.  A trainer you do your workout and it hurts but you keep going because the person working with you gives you that push and encouragement and then when your like ahhh I did my workout body feels weak ...NO!NO!!!  you drink your water and do it all over again this time sweating and grunting (yeah never did that before) and when your done your body feels like jello and your like what just happened?  So yep got home crawled up the stairs, threw up but and feel it everywhere but you know what I knew it was not going to be easy cause if it was easy I would not be where I am right now.  So I will do my homework for the weekend and walk on Saturday and I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support, I am going to continue to give my 100%.  It may not get easier but it will get better, and I will get better.
Thanks to all our Sponsors below:
3x a week personal training Champions Fitness Together
1x a month massage Champions Massage Heights
1x a week yoga class Cherry Blossom Yoga
Visits with Dr. Ted Piliszek
New wardrobe  Scruples
Facial treatments DermaTouch RN
Nutritional counseling and food Champions My Fit Food
Teeth cleaning and whitening Dr. Patrick Swonke D.D.S
$100 gift certificate Anything Bling Boutique
Hair makeover Alan Murphy

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Starting Line

Well tomorrow is my first day.  I gotta tell you I have not stopped smiling since I was told I was chosen.  I am very excited but yet very nervous.  My hands were shaking when I posted the news to my friends and family on facebook because I never really put myself out there before.  I received so many calls and notes of support I feel driven not to let anyone including myself down.  I know if I give this challenge 110% I will live my life happier, healthier and most importantly long enough to see my kids go through life.  I know I am in for a journey but I also know that I am a strong women with a can do attitude and that will get me through the next three months.  I thank everyone that was involved in making this happen, words cannot express how much this opportunity means to me.  I have filled out the biggest loser application so many times and just looked at it never turning it in because I am a sap and leaving my family behind for up to four months would crush me.  My family is the most important part of my life and having them here cheering me on through my adventure will keep me driven and focused.  So follow me on my journey and I promise you and me that we will cross the finish line.
Shirley Guzman
Age 39

Makeover will include:
3x a week personal training Champions Fitness Together
1x a month massage  Champions Massage Heights
1x a week yoga class Cherry Blossom Yoga
Visits with Dr. Ted Piliszek
New wardrobe Scruples
Facial treatments DermaTouch RN
Nutritional counseling and food Champions My Fit Food
Teeth cleaning and whitening Dr. Patrick Swonke D.D.S
$100 gift certificate Anything Bling Boutique
Hair makeover Alan Murphy

Makeover Winner!

Congratulations to Shirley Guzman, our first Champions Makeover Winner! We had many outstanding entries but Shirley's desire to change her life touch us all. As a wife and mother of two boys, Shirley is so busy helping all those around her, she doesn't take the time to take care of herself. She is a very hard worker and we all know this is going to be one amazing story, start to finish. Follow her progress as she blogs her transformation.
Makeover will include:
3x a week personal training Champions Fitness Together
1x a month massage Champions Massage Heights
1x a week yoga class Cherry Blossom Yoga
Visits with Dr. Ted Piliszek
New wardrobe Scruples
Facial treatments DermaTouch RN
Nutritional counseling and food Champions My Fit Food
Teeth cleaning and whitening  Dr. Patrick Swonke D.D.S
$100 gift certificate Anything Bling Boutique
Hair makeover Alan Murphy